BLUEPRINTS (Blueprints)
We Understand Having Physical Drawings For A Construction Team To Complete A Job Is Extremely Important. At Hallstarz, We Strive To Help Make Construction Jobs Easier To Complete By Offering A Variety Of Sizes For Printing Blue Prints.
There's one paper stock to choose from:
Plain Bond Paper - (20-lb Bond)
- Feels thin and dull
- Multipurpose lightweight paper for indoor usage
- COLOR or BLACK & WHITE options
- 1-Side printing
Full Bleed Size (starting document size)
- 18" x 24"
- 24" x 24"
- 24" x 30"
- 24" x 36"
- 24" x 48"
- 24" x 60"
- 36" x 36"
- 36" x 48"
- 36" x 60"
Document Trim Size (approximate final size after cutting)
- 17" x 23"
- 23" x 23"
- 23" x 29"
- 23" x 35"
- 23" x 47"
- 23" x 59"
- 35" x 35"
- 35" x 47"
- 35" x 59"
Document Safe Margins (size to keep words & text within)
- 16" x 22"
- 22" x 22"
- 22" x 28"
- 22" x 34"
- 22" x 46"
- 22" x 58"
- 34" x 34"
- 34" x 46"
- 34" x 58"
Inches = "
Feet = '
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